Registres journaliers d'inhumation des cimetières parisiens

Find the burial of an individual buried in one of the cemeteries of the City of Paris between 1804 and 1970. These archives also represent a source to find a death in Paris, following the disappearance of the civil status prior to 1860.
18 daily burial registers from cemeteries managed by the city of Paris have been indexed:
- In Paris: Auteuil (16th), Batignolles (17th), Belleville (20th), Charonne (20th), Grenelle (15th), La Villette (19th), Montmartre (18th), Montparnasse (14th), Passy (16th), Père-Lachaise (20th), Saint-Vincent (18th) and Vaugirard (15th)
- extramural: Bagneux (92), La Chapelle (93), Ivry (94), Pantin (93), Saint-Ouen (93), Thiais (94)
Les cemeteries de Bercy ( 12th) and Calvaire (18th) do not have daily burial registers.
These registers indicate the name and first name (with for women, the name of the husband), the date of death or the date of burial, the location of the burial in the crown concerned, the place of death (the arrondissement of Paris or the municipality), the age of the deceased and observations (exhumation, cremation ...)

Daily burial registers kept by the central service of Paris cemeteries