160 years after its creation, Filae has digitized and transcribed the collection of marriages from the mythical
Andriveau Fund, allowing to reconstitute the civil status of Paris destroyed during the Commune.
The cards, made from parish registers, concern marriages in Paris but also around (Versailles, Saint-Denis ...) from 1613 to 1792.
Some records refer to notarial acts as donations or weddings contracts.
Records are also established from the civil status to list marriages but also divorces from 1793 to 1855.
Filae has undertaken to geolocate Parisian parishes, some of which have disappeared today.
864 000
digital records
2,6 millions
Family name
The Andriveau genealogical archives were created in 1830 to help the notaries in the search for heirs. To facilitate the work of researchers, a small team of scribes traveled the capital to create records summarizing very accurately the civil status of Paris.
A fund of inestimable historical value has gradually been established and has been preserved over the years by the Andriveau study.
The marriage records are the only trace of the original acts of the Parisian civil status gone up in smoke during the Commune.
Learn more about the marriage collectionOn May 24, 1871 , the Communards, in revolt against the power, set fire to the Town Hall and the Palace of Justice. Fires with incalculable consequences : the parish and civil registers prior to 1860 go up in smoke.Millions of births, marriages and deaths are forever destroyed!